Author Archives: tshozakajesu

The 2013 Orbit Residents Coference

On 2nd November 2013, we held this year’s Residents Conference.   There were many informative and educative workshops in which we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.  I and my colleague Paul Chandler work together as partners in Vox Popping.  We had planned to do some vox popping during the workshops that we attended but we kept forgetting to do this because the workshops were interesting and engaging.  This meant that we had to work hard to interview and vox pop many members of Orbit staff.

It was amazing that staff were accommodating and agreed to be interviewed.  We felt that we had done well till we reviewed our work.  We made mistakes that we felt we could safely ‘doctor’ through editing, but alas we had to hand the equipment in with our raw material work.  Tom and Lisa appeared happy and relaxed so we assumed they thought we were managing very well.  Mind you, we did do well at the Conference because we knew how to use the ON/OFF switch during recording, unlike at training when our recordings were blank because we forgot to put the recorder ON.

I haven’t got any photos yet but will upload some at a later stage.

Deviation from Righteousness to Resident Involvement

Orbit Resident Involvement (ORI) blogging is a mind boggling and mind activating exercise that makes one think then put on paper ones honest thoughts and opinions without worrying about what other people think.

For me, ORI has meant many journeys about studying other people through activities such as Mystery Shopping, the In-2-Orbit Editorial, Blogging and many others.  Staff members, Tom Gaskin and Lisa Cornish have always done their best to accommodate each and every  resident regardless of their idiosyncrasies etc etc.

The year 2013 has brought in the Residents Blogging exercise  which started with training by Consultant Teresa who made us into Community Resident Reporters (CRR).  All CRRs, seem to be a group from another planet who enjoy working together.  The group jelled together from the word go.  Of course there are some skilled bloggers like Tracey and skilled jokers like Steve – their blogs have come out as the best.  Who knows one day we may all find the blogging very easy.

Well, till next time then and I might even give you Tracey’s and Steve’s websites (if they grant their permission) so that you can see and learn what I have learned from their blogs.  It’s all free.




Righteousness again!

This new page goes further in Righteousness because every religion including the Atheist think  righteousness as something that goes with the conscience.  If your conscience does not nag or bother you as you do something you automatically conclude that whatever it is that you are doing is a good and righteous act.  But then think about it in this scenario – the most senior person in an organisation tells a junior person who looks up to him, to sign off a sum of money to his account.  The junior follows orders because this is a procedure that is done without question in the organisation.

Righteousness -3Deep down the junior knows this is wrong, but because others reassure him, he signs the money over.  His conscience does not worry him because of the reassurance and support from all other levels of staff.  Was his action righteous?  Personally I think not because initially and even now, deep down in himself he knows it was not quite right.  What do you think?

POST All about me

Righteousness is everyone’s business 

I am intrigued by the intricacies of human minds regarding righteousness.  Did you know that righteousness is everyone’s business?  Everybody, in the whole world, recognises righteousness as an important and vital component in their character; this is regardless of whether they are honest or not.

Opinions about Righteousness in all religions

Righteousness in all religions

All religions, homes, Educational Institutions and cultures teach the values of righteousness to their congregations, students or their followers.  In every argument, all parties see themselves as in the right while the opposition is wrong.  Whoever wins is usually the tougher of the two.  This shows that people’s righteousness is assumed and can be unfair.  So then, you might ask “What is righteousness?

             My initials BMM